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R programmable fixing of parameters in `optim`

I am using optim to fit various probability distributions to two given tertiles t1 and t2. The following function works, where qfun is the quantile function of the distribution and par_start gives the initial values of the parameters of the distribution:

tertile_fit <- function(t1, t2, qfun, par_start) {
  gapfn <- function(par, t1, t2, qfun) {
    a <- t1 -, as.list(c(1/3, par)))
    b <- t2 -, as.list(c(2/3, par)))
    a ^ 2 + b ^ 2
  result <- optim(par = par_start, gapfn, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, qfun = qfun)
  if (result$convergence != 0) {
    stop("Optmisation failed")
  } else {  
    result$par %>% 

The length of par_start determines how many of the distribution's parameters are varied in the optimisation but very much restricts the choice: if length(par_start) = 3 for example then the optimisation will be made over the first 3 parameters in formals(qfun).

My problem is that for some distributions I want to be able to choose which parameters are to be fixed. I could solve that problem if I were writing specific code for each distribution by amending the lines in gapfn, to include the names and values of the parameters I fix, for example:, as.list(c(1/3, mean = 0, par)))

with par now the parameters that are allowed to vary.

But what I want is a function that can take any probability distribution and fix named parameters. It might look something like this:

new_tertile_fit <- function(t1, t2, qfun, fixed_params, par_start)

where fixed_params is a data.frame(?) or a list(?) giving the names of the parameters and the values at which they are fixed.

What is giving me trouble is extracting that information from fixed_params so that the lines can include the specific statements along the lines par1 = 2 if par1 is one of the parameters of the distribution being fitted.


  • I'd suggest a parameter accepting a logical vector of length length(par_start) indicating if the corresponding parameter is supposed to be fixed:

    tertile_fit <- function(t1, t2, qfun, par_start, fixed = logical(length(par_start))) {
      gapfn <- function(par, t1, t2, qfun) {
        par_start[!fixed] <- par
        a <- t1 -, as.list(c(1/3, par_start)))
        b <- t2 -, as.list(c(2/3, par_start)))
        a ^ 2 + b ^ 2
      result <- optim(par = par_start[!fixed], gapfn, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, qfun = qfun)
      if (result$convergence != 0) {
        stop("Optmisation failed")
      } else {
        par_start[!fixed] <- result$par
    # test with three-parameter beta (with non-centrality)
    # don't fix any parameters
    (par <- tertile_fit(0.5, 0.8, qbeta, c(1, 1, 1)))
    #> [1] 1.0686711 0.8931586 1.0555377
    qbeta((1:2)/3, par[1], par[2], par[3])
    #> [1] 0.4999925 0.8000041
    # fix the non-centrality parameter
    (par <- tertile_fit(0.5, 0.8, qbeta, c(1, 1, 2), !2:0))
    #> [1] 0.8132744 0.9571455 2.0000000
    qbeta((1:2)/3, par[1], par[2], par[3])
    #> [1] 0.4999997 0.7999982

    However, if you try to fix one of two parameters, you'll get a warning (and you'll probably not fit your tertiles since you have one parameter and two constraints):

    # test with gamma distribution, fixing the rate parameter
    (par <- tertile_fit(0.5, 2, qgamma, c(1, 10), 0:1))
    #> Warning in optim(par = par_start[!fixed], gapfn, t1 = t1, t2 = t2, qfun = qfun): one-dimensional optimization by Nelder-Mead is unreliable:
    #> use "Brent" or optimize() directly
    #> [1] 13.12813 10.00000
    qgamma((1:2)/3, par[1], par[2])
    #> [1] 1.131999 1.439610