I am making some script for a game I'm making. The game's map is a randomly generated series of hallways, and there are different shaped hallways. For example, one hallway is straight, another turns, another turns and has a set of stairs that do down. If there is no way to do anything I mentioned above in the question, is there an alternative?
I haven't really tried anything yet for moving one node to another, because all the tutorials are outdated. For duplicating a random node, I tried something like this:
var parent_node = $Node3D
var random_index = randi() % parent_node.get_child_count()
var random_child = parent_node.get_child(random_index)
var duplicated_child = random_child.duplicate()
It gave me an error saying cannot call duplicate on a null instance
I figured out your problem:
You are trying to get the node: $Node3D
and call .get_child_count()
on it before the scene has finished loading. To fix this, add @onready
at the beginning of each of the lines, or put the in the _ready()
function. Doing this would make sure the code only runs when the scene is loaded and everything is ready. This is the final code I would suggest:
@onready var parent_node = $Node3D
func _ready():
var random_index = randi() % parent_node.get_child_count()
var random_child = parent_node.get_child(random_index)
var duplicated_child = random_child.duplicate()
You also said that you want to move the node to another parent node. I will assume you are trying to move the random node. So first lets add another variable for the new parent node:
@onready var new_parent = $Node
Replace $Node
with the node you want to be the new parent.
Next we want to add the child to the new parent in the _ready() function:
You are now done unless you want to remove the node from the original parent, then you will add this after:
This is now the final Code:
@onready var parent_node = $Node3D
@onready var new_parent = $Node
func _ready():
var random_index = randi() % parent_node.get_child_count()
var random_child = parent_node.get_child(random_index)
var duplicated_child = random_child.duplicate()