I have a simple question: say I have a sparse matrix A in R. If I code
I do not obtain the actual QR decomposition of A, but rather the matrices are such that PAP_=QR where P and P_ are some permutation matrices (that are given). In most instances this is probably not an issue, but for my purposes I believe that I absolutely need the 'real' matrices Q and R such that A=QR, with R being upper triangular. As far as I'm aware, this is not available for sparse matrices? At the moment, I am considering converting my matrices to dense matrices, and then applying the qr() function (because for dense matrices, there appear to be no such permutations); however, that seems a bit stupid. I suppose hand-coding a QR factorization is far too complex, no? Can anyone help with this issue?
P.S. I'm new to stack overflow, I'm usually in the math forums; can I not write in Latex here?
Edit: I should mention that the above applies to the qr decomposition in the matrix package. Apparently, I can use the base qr function, but numerically this seems to not be very nice. (It may be my best option though?)
The qr
method for class dgCMatrix
factorizes an m
matrix A
(with m >= n
) as:
P1 * A * P2 = Q * R <==> A = P1' * Q * R * P2'
where P1
and P2
are permutation matrices. At C level, there is an option to disable column pivoting, so that P2
is an identity matrix. Then you have A = Q~ * R
, where Q~ = P1' * Q
is orthogonal (because P1
and Q
are orthogonal), and you would obtain Q~
with qr.Q
and R
with qr.R
Unfortunately, the option is not exposed at R level in the current Matrix version 1.5-4. To disable column pivoting from R, you must call the C code directly (which outside of this example I strongly discourage):
x <- rsparsematrix(10L, 10L, 0.5)
stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"), validObject(x),
packageVersion("Matrix") == "1.5-4")
qr.x <- qr(x)
all.equal(as(qr.Q(qr.x) %*% qr.R(qr.x), "matrix"), as(x, "matrix"))
## [1] "Mean relative difference: 1.059398"
qr.x <- .Call(Matrix:::dgCMatrix_QR, x, 0L, FALSE)
all.equal(as(qr.Q(qr.x) %*% qr.R(qr.x), "matrix"), as(x, "matrix"))
## [1] TRUE
It so happens that I've spent quite a bit of time this past month refactoring the factorization code in Matrix. In Matrix 1.6-0 (not yet released), you will have the option to disable column pivoting, with qr(x, order = 0L)
A side effect is that the documentation for all matrix factorization classes and methods will be very much improved. So, people can look forward to that ...