Assuming this shiny app, how to change the color of the list names a
& b
(aka dropdown-menus aka optgroup)
shinyApp(server = function(input, output){},
pickerInput("pick1", "Select", choices = list(a=1:2, b=3:4)))
In general I can change the appearance of the input text using:
shinyApp(server = function(input, output){},
tags$head(tags$style(".my-class {font-size: 200%;}")),
pickerInput("pick1", "Select", choices = list(a=1:2, b=3:4),
options = list(style = "my-class")))
But this is neither working for "dropdown-menu inner" nor "dropdown-header optgroup-1" nor "optgroup", etc...
shinyApp(server = function(input, output){},
tags$head(tags$style(".my-class dropdown-menu inner{font-size: 200%;}")),
pickerInput("pick1", "Select", choices = list(a=1:2, b=3:4),
options = list(style = "my-class")))
In the end I want to change the text color or the backgroud of the headings.
When targeting a CSS class, make sure to use a .
in front of the class name. Here is an example that changes the dropdown headers' text color and background color.
shinyApp(server = function(input, output){},
tags$head(tags$style(" + div div ul li.dropdown-header{color: #0000ff;
background-color: #ff0000}")),
pickerInput("pick1", "Select", choices = list(a=1:2, b=3:4),
options = list(style = "my-class")),
pickerInput("pick1", "Select", choices = list(a=1:2, b=3:4),
options = list(style = "other-class")))