I am building an app that uses CoreData
. When opening a NewEntityForm
, the app creates an Object
of this Entity
for the User to manipulate. When the User saves his changes, it gets saved to Context
, otherwise it gets discarded using object.rollback()
This means that at any time there can be Uncommitted Objects
in the given Context
. However, I only want to present the saved ones inside the App expect from the NewEntityForm
This Code fetches all Objects, saved to context and temporary.
FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor(\.name, order: .forward)])
so that it only returns Objects
already saved to the Context
and ignores Uncommitted Objects
.How can I adjust my FetchRequest so that it only returns Objects already saved to the Context and ignores Uncommitted Objects.
A managed object context is often described as a "scratch pad" for objects -- it's very purpose it to keep track of new objects and changes to existing ones before they're saved. Once you save the objects in a context, everything is written back to the context's parent store. Therefore, if you want to ignore unsaved changes, you should create a new managed object context with the same parent store. Or, if the parent store is another managed object context, you can just make the fetch request in that context.