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Why is mutate not working within a for loop in R?

I have some variables that should be coded 0-3 or NA but have been coded 1-4 with "." for NA. I want to recode them using mutate() and case_when() in a for loop but after running the loop my data don't change. No errors appear.

Before the transformation the data look like this:


# df$epds_1  n     
# .          6 
# 1        472 
# 2         93 
# 3         45 
# 4         23 
# <NA>      10 

I try to mutate ten variables using the following:

    for (v in c("epds_1", "epds_2", "epds_3", "epds_4", "epds_5", "epds_6",
                "epds_7", "epds_8", "epds_9","epds_10")) {
      df <- df %>% mutate(`v` = case_when(`v` == "." ~ NA_real_, 
                                          `v` == "1" ~ 0, 
                                          `v` == "2" ~ 1, 
                                          `v` == "3" ~ 2, 
                                          `v` == "4" ~ 3))

Hoping for the following table to result (the count of 16 combining the top and bottom rows of the original table):

# df$epds_1  n     
# 0        472 
# 1         93 
# 2         45 
# 3         23 
# <NA>      16 


  • You can use across() to apply a function to several variables.

    vars <- c("epds_1", "epds_2", "epds_3", "epds_4", "epds_5", "epds_6",
              "epds_7", "epds_8", "epds_9","epds_10")
    df %>% mutate(across(all_of(vars), ~ case_when(.x == "." ~ NA_real_, 
                                  .x == "1" ~ 0, 
                                  .x == "2" ~ 1, 
                                  .x == "3" ~ 2, 
                                  .x == "4" ~ 3)))

    As for why the loop isn't working.. to get it to work you would change your code to something like this.

    for (v in c("epds_1", "epds_2", "epds_3", "epds_4", "epds_5", "epds_6",
                "epds_7", "epds_8", "epds_9","epds_10")) {
      df <- df %>% mutate(!!v := case_when(.data[[v]] == "." ~ NA_real_, 
                                          .data[[v]] == "1" ~ 0, 
                                          .data[[v]] == "2" ~ 1, 
                                          .data[[v]] == "3" ~ 2, 
                                          .data[[v]] == "4" ~ 3))

    I would advise against this though and utilise dplyr's across as shown in my first example.