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GAMLSS function in R

I am trying to fit a GAMLSS model with the response variable, y>0 with age and gender as independent variables. Since I need to model all 4 parameters of the distribution, I used BCPE as the family. The call is showing the error: Error in dBCPE(y, mu, sigma, nu, tau, log = TRUE) : mu must be positive

Please help

Since all values are positive, I am not able to identify the reason behind the error. Additionally, it is automatically running the code with GB2 family

The code is:

gamdata<-read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
m1<-gamlss(A~cs(age+gender, df=5),mu.formula=~cs(age+gender,df=5), sigma.formula=~cs(age+gender,df=5), nu.formula=~cs(age+gender,df=5), tau.formula=~cs(age+gender,df=5),"identity","log","identity","log")))

The issued error is: Error in dBCPE(y, mu, sigma, nu, tau, log = TRUE) : mu must be positive


  • BCPE has a default identity link for mu. This can result in a negative mu value during the fitting iterations (especially if there are positive Y values very close to 0).

    I recommend using BCPEo which has a default log link for mu. Consequently mu can never be negative.

    If you have a lot of positive Y values very close to 0, and especially if the distribution of Y is reverse J shaped (i.e. density declining from Y=0) then you could try a GIG or GG distribution, or take log(Y) and find a suitable distribution for log(Y).

    You could also try function chooseDist() to find a suitable distribution:

    chooseDist( , type="realplus") for Y

    chooseDist( , type="realline") for LY=log(Y)