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synchronization of several remote git repositories

We have:

  1. Remote repository with some project.
  2. Several remote repositories, which I want to synchronize with previous one.

When something pushed in first project (1), I need to pull these changes to other remote repositories (2).

I can pull from first repo and push to destination repositories.

What is the simplest way to do this ?



  • You could clone a new bare mirror repository from the upstream repository that you have no control over, e.g. with:

    git clone --bare --mirror git://

    (In fact, --mirror implies --bare, so --bare isn't strictly necessary.) The --mirror option says that rather than just take the local branches from the remote and make them remote-tracking branches, git should mirror all the branches from the remote repository with the same names.

    Then, you can set up a frequent cron job that runs the following commands in that repository:

    git remote update
    git push --mirror --force repo1 
    git push --mirror --force repo2

    This assumes that you've added repo1 and repo2 as remotes, and that they point to bare repositories that you're only wanting to use as mirrors. (The latter requirement is because you're using --force, so if other people are pushing their work to repo1 or repo2, it'll get overwritten by the automated mirror pushes.)