I am trying to deploy a databricks workspace in Azure and create a Single Node cluster. To do that, I use the following Terraform main.tf file:
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
version = "3.55.0"
databricks = {
source = "databricks/databricks"
version = "1.0.0"
# Configure Azure provider
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
# Configure Databricks provider
provider "databricks" {
host = azurerm_databricks_workspace.databricks_workspace.workspace_url
# Create resource group
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "resource_group" {
name = var.resource_group_name
location = var.resource_group_location
# Create Databricks workspace
resource "azurerm_databricks_workspace" "databricks_workspace" {
location = azurerm_resource_group.resource_group.location
name = "databricks-test-001"
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.resource_group.name
sku = "standard"
depends_on = [
# Create cluster
data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
local_disk = true
depends_on = [
data "databricks_spark_version" "latest_lts" {
long_term_support = true
depends_on = [
resource "databricks_cluster" "single_node" {
cluster_name = "Single Node"
spark_version = data.databricks_spark_version.latest_lts.id
node_type_id = data.databricks_node_type.smallest.id
autotermination_minutes = 10
spark_conf = {
# Single-node
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile" : "singleNode"
"spark.master" : "local[*]"
custom_tags = {
"ResourceClass" = "SingleNode"
depends_on = [
# Create Notebook
resource "databricks_notebook" "notebook" {
content_base64 = base64encode("print('Welcome to Databricks-Labs notebook')")
path = "/Shared/Demo/demo_example_notebook"
language = "PYTHON"
depends_on = [
When I apply the terraform plan, I get the following error:
Required: 24, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 24. Submit a request for Quota increase at https://aka.ms/ProdportalCRP/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Capacity/UsageAndQuota.ReactView/Parameters/%7B%22subscriptionId%22:%22a9f6a84e-aa76-4493-ad46-7335d8bc7ea5%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22:[%7B%22location%22:%22westus%22,%22providerId%22:%22Microsoft.Compute%22,%22resourceName%22:%22StandardNCADSA100v4Family%22,%22quotaRequest%22:%7B%22properties%22:%7B%22limit%22:24,%22unit%22:%22Count%22,%22name%22:%7B%22value%22:%22StandardNCADSA100v4Family%22%7D%7D%7D%7D]%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-supportability/per-vm-quota-requests databricks_error_message:Error code: QuotaExceeded, error message: Operation could not be completed as it results in exceeding approved StandardNCADSA100v4Family Cores quota. Additional details - Deployment Model: Resource Manager, Location: westus, Current Limit: 0, Current Usage: 0, Additional Required: 24, (Minimum) New Limit Required: 24. Submit a request for Quota increase at https://aka.ms/ProdportalCRP/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Capacity/UsageAndQuota.ReactView/Parameters/%7B%22subscriptionId%22:%22a9f6a84e-aa76-4493-ad46-7335d8bc7ea5%22,%22command%22:%22openQuotaApprovalBlade%22,%22quotas%22:[%7B%22location%22:%22westus%22,%22providerId%22:%22Microsoft.Compute%22,%22resourceName%22:%22StandardNCADSA100v4Family%22,%22quotaRequest%22:%7B%22properties%22:%7B%22limit%22:24,%22unit%22:%22Count%22,%22name%22:%7B%22value%22:%22StandardNCADSA100v4Family%22%7D%7D%7D%7D]%7D by specifying parameters listed in the ‘Details’ section for deployment to succeed. Please read more about quota limits at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-supportability/per-vm-quota-requests]. Please see https://docs.databricks.com/dev-tools/api/latest/clusters.html#clusterclusterstate for more details
I get that the quota limit needs to be increased and I have submitted a request, which was denied. I have also tried to do the deployment in different Azure regions, which was also unsuccessful for the same reason. What I don't get is why if I go to the created Databricks workspace and try to create a Single Node cluster from there it works with no issues at all. To me this means that the quota limit might not be the actual issue. I would appreciate any suggestions about what might be the issue.
I have checked with the following code and tried creating a Single Node cluster.
resource "azurerm_databricks_workspace" "databricks_workspace" {
location = data.azurerm_resource_group.example.location
name = "databricks-test-001"
resource_group_name = data.azurerm_resource_group.example.name
sku = "standard"
data "databricks_current_user" "me" {
depends_on = [azurerm_databricks_workspace.databricks_workspace]
data "databricks_spark_version" "latest" {
depends_on = [
data "databricks_spark_version" "latest_lts" {
long_term_support = true
depends_on = [
data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
local_disk = true
depends_on = [
resource "databricks_cluster" "single_node" {
cluster_name = "Single Node"
spark_version = data.databricks_spark_version.latest_lts.id
node_type_id = data.databricks_node_type.smallest.id
autotermination_minutes = 10
spark_conf = {
# Single-node
"spark.databricks.cluster.profile" : "singleNode"
"spark.master" : "local[*]"
custom_tags = {
"ResourceClass" = "SingleNode"
depends_on = [
Upon terraform apply:
It got executed successfully:
The issue mainly occurs due to azure quota limitation for regions. As you said even after changing the region , the issue prevails, the issue must be due to misconfiguration of azure subscription on logging in with incorrect azure creadetials .
Make sure to set the correct subscription after logging in with az login.
az account set --subscription "xxxx"
provider "databricks" {
host = azurerm_databricks_workspace.databricks_workspace.workspace_url
provider "azuread" {
subscription_id = "xxx
tenant_id = "xxx"
data "azuread_client_config" "current" {
//tenant_id = "xxxx"
data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {
//tenant_id = "xxx"
// subscription_id = "8ae0844f-xxx"
data azurerm_subscription "current"{
// subscription_id = "xxx"
data "azurerm_storage_account" "example" {
name = "remoxxxx"
resource_group_name = data.azurerm_resource_group.example.name
terraform {
backend "azurerm" {
resource_group_name = "vxxx"
storage_account_name = "remotestatekavstr233"
container_name = "terraform"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
If the subscription is confirmed to set properly , then the subscription might have reached its limit.
Please check Troubleshoot QuotaExceeded error code - Azure | Microsoft Learn