Am trying to write DataFrame from Synapse spark as .delta into a container.
Here is the example code:
sqlstmt = 'select * from tableblah limit 5'
df = spark.sql(sqlstmt)
What this is doing is it's into Synapse's Primay ADLS Gen2 file system (ex: container name 'synapsews', now file written is in synapsews container /bronze/account.
How can i mount different container and write into it.
I tried mounting 'devbronze' container as below:
{ "linkedService":"LS_synapsews" }
now when tried to write this mount as below:
it still write to Primay ADLS Gen2 file system which is synapsews by creating /devbronze/account folders.
How to change to write to mounted point 'devbronze'
I tried the same way as yours in my environment and ended up with same result. Here synapsedata
is my primary file system for the synapse workspace.
To store the files in the mount point other than the primary file system, we can use the path like synfs:/<jobid>/<mountpoint>/<path>
Use the below code which is working for me to achieve your requirement.
First get the job id from mssparkutils
and build the path with your mount location. Here devbronze
is my mount point and container name which was created by using linked service.
Code Execution:
Result files in mount path: