I am trying to pass a while value to a function so that I don't have to write lots of code.
IamInfo is an array of information example: 0: JobNo : JobCode : List of items (again variable length)
My code:
while q < len(IamInfo):
Left.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, arg=q: displayMore(arg))
q += 1
Ineed to pass the q value as I use it as a key to display the last column of information in another tkinter frame. the length of IamInfo can change from 2 items to 20 so I need to be able to use this for many different number of items. enter image description here
called function
def displayMore(key):
print (key) <--- so I can see what is passed only
DisLoop = len(IamInfo[key])
disx = 4 <--- defines array element to display
while disx < DisLoop:
disText = str(IamInfo[key][disx])+"\n"
Right.insert(INSERT, disText)
disx += 1
With the above code it only passes the last q value for all links. I have tried several different ways, but either fails or just passes last q value.
Any help would be great.
So I resolved this by changing how I called the function.
Instead of:
Left.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, arg=q: displayMore(arg))
I used:
but=Button(Left,width=25,text=IamInfo[q][1],command= partial(displayMore,key=q)).pack()
This called the function with while passing the loop value at the time of creation.