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How can I call the api repeatedly in supertest?

I want to test create, findById, and GetList that express api.
And I want to call create api repeatedly for test getlist function.
But If I use for loop syntax, that occurred TCPWRAP error. How can I call the api repeatedly in supertest?

    test("Make Some Products (10)", (done)=> {
        for(let i=0;i<10;i++) {
                title: productJson.title + String(i),
            .end((err, res) => {
                if(err) throw err;


  • As far as I know, this is not the correct way of writing tests.

    1- If you want to test create function, then there is no need for the loop. Only one call is adequate.

    2- If you want to test getList function, then you should not use expect() when you are populating the database. You only need expect() to check the return value of your getList.

    3- A better way to populate database is to use your database module's methods (for example mongoose's in jest's beforeEach().

    beforeEach(() =>{
        // insert records and save their ids in productIds
    test("getList", (done) =>{
        // test your api using the data inserted above