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Testing a file download using Selenium - python

I write automation tests in Selenium and use python and the chrome browser. I need to write a test that downloads a file (from a link ) and checks that the file has been downloaded. And if possible, the test checks the file type. How can I write this?

I managed to download the file using click(), but I don't know how to check if the file has been downloaded.


  • You can add download.default_directory to the ChromeOptions and instantiate the webdriver.Chrome with the options object. All the downloads made with this instance will be stored in the download.default_directory.

    To make the test platform-agnostic you can use the tmp_path fixture provided by pytest, it will create a temporary directory for the downloaded files. But make sure you specify str(tmp_path) as the download.default_directory for the ChromeOptions.

    Consider the following example, you can run it with pytest

    import os
    import time
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from pathlib import Path
    import pytest
    from selenium import webdriver
    class Chrome:
        driver: webdriver.Chrome
        downloads: Path
    def chrome(tmp_path):
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
                "download.default_directory": str(tmp_path),
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
        yield Chrome(driver=driver, downloads=tmp_path)
    def test_download_file(chrome: Chrome):
        filename = "sample4.csv"
        # Wait for the file to download, adjust if needed
        # Check if the file has been downloaded
        assert filename in os.listdir(chrome.downloads)