I am writing a simple C++ project on Microsoft's Visual Studio 2022, that uses NtQueryInformationProcess
to check if a process is being debugged but it is not working.
Here is my code:
#include "Header.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <winternl.h>
// Method use Debug flags in the PEB. This worked and return a = 1
int PEB_Flag() {
int a;
__asm {
mov eax, dword ptr fs : [18h]
mov eax, dword ptr ds : [eax + 30h]
movzx eax, byte ptr ds : [eax + 2h]
mov[a], eax
return a;
typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS {
ProcessBasicInformation = 0,
ProcessDebugPort = 7,
ProcessWow64Information = 26,
ProcessImageFileName = 27,
ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29
typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI* TNtQueryInformationProcess)(
IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,
IN PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass,
OUT PVOID ProcessInformation,
IN ULONG ProcessInformationLength,
OUT PULONG ReturnLength
int main() {
HANDLE ProcessHandler = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, GetCurrentProcessId());
HMODULE hNtdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
//HINSTANCE hNtDll = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");
std::cout << "hNtdll: " << std::hex << hNtdll << std::endl;
auto pfnNtQueryInformationProcess = (TNtQueryInformationProcess)GetProcAddress(
hNtdll, "NtQueryInformationProcess");
DWORD dwProcessDebugPort, dwReturned;
NTSTATUS status = pfnNtQueryInformationProcess(
a = int(status);
std::cout << "Is debugged: " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "OK ?";
std::cin >> a; // I set a breakpoint here
I build it, run it in both debug mode and realease mode, and it print "Is debugged: 0", which is wrong because this process is being debugged. I know that my code has something wrong, because I had tried with method check for debugger flag and it prints "1".
The return value of a call to the NtQueryInformationProcess
function indicates only whether or not the call succeeded (and, if it failed, and indication of the nature of the error). Thus, your status
variable – assuming the call succeeds – will have the value STATUS_SUCCESS
, which is defined as zero (whether or not you cast it to an int
The actual data that you want to inspect is the dwProcessDebugPort
, whose address you (seemingly correctly) pass to the system call. That will have a non-zero value if the process is being run under a debugger.
So, after your call to NtQueryInformationProcess
, your 'diagnostic' code should look something like this:
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
std::cout << (dwProcessDebugPort == 0 ? "Not debugging.\n" : "Debugging.\n");
else {
std::cout << "Call failed!\n";