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Passing a list of lists by value is not updating in Scheme language

I am trying to write a function in Scheme which will calculate the rank of a given matrix (in the form of a list of lists) using Gaussian Elimination method.

I'll explain what I am trying to do in the code and would appreciate if anyone could tell me what I did wrong \ how to correct it.

In iter-rows function, I iterate over the rows and perform Gaussian Elimination on each row to make the matrix into row echelon form:

  • below-pivot will basically perform the elimination step below the pivot in the given row.

  • factor-rec here I calculate the factor needed to multiply a row during the elimination process.

  • elimination function performs the elimination itself over the rest of the rows below the pivot.

  • As for the update-matrix function, it will subtract a multiple of one row from another.

  • Finally, count all non-zero rows to find the rank.

Since lists are immutable I am passing their value with every call.

Here's the code for reference:

#lang racket

(define (rank matrix)
  (define (iter-rows index rows-len matrix)
    (if (= index rows-len)
          (let ((pivot (list-ref (list-ref matrix index) index)))
            (if (= pivot 0)
                (iter-rows (+ index 1) rows-len matrix)
                  (below-pivot (+ index 1) rows-len matrix pivot index)
                  (iter-rows (+ index 1) rows-len matrix))))))

  (define (below-pivot from-index rows-len matrix pivot i)
    (if (= from-index rows-len)
          (factor-rec (+ from-index 1) rows-len matrix i pivot)
          (below-pivot (+ from-index 1) rows-len matrix pivot i))))

  (define (factor-rec j rows-len matrix i pivot)
    (if (= j rows-len)
          (let ([factor (/ (list-ref (list-ref matrix j) i) pivot)])
            (elimination i i rows-len matrix j factor)))))

  (define (elimination k i rows-len matrix j factor)
    (if (= k rows-len)
          (update-matrix matrix j k i factor)
          (elimination (+ k 1) i rows-len matrix j factor))))

  (define (update-matrix matrix j k i factor)
    (let ((new-cdr (- (list-ref (list-ref matrix j) k)
                      (* factor (list-ref (list-ref matrix i) k)))))
      (list (list-ref matrix i)
            (cons new-cdr (list-tail (list-ref matrix j) k)))))

  (let ((rows-len (length matrix)))
    (iter-rows 0 rows-len matrix))

  (define (count-nonzero-rows matrix)
    (let loop ((matrix matrix) (rank- 0))
          ((null? matrix) rank-)
          ((not (all-zeroes? (car matrix))) 
           (loop (cdr matrix) (+ rank- 1)))
          (else (loop (cdr matrix) rank-)))))

  (let* ((rank (count-nonzero-rows matrix)))

(define (all-zeroes? row)
  (for/and ([x row]) (= x 0)))

I'm new to Scheme so would appreciate any other tips as well.



  • I think you want something like this:

    #lang racket
    (define (extract matrix i j)
      (vector-ref (vector-ref matrix i) j))
    (define (swap-rows! matrix i j)
      (let ((tmp (vector-ref matrix i)))
        (vector-set! matrix i (vector-ref matrix j))
        (vector-set! matrix j tmp)))
    (define (scale-row! matrix i factor)
      (define (vector-scale vec factor)
        (vector-map (curry * factor) vec))
      (let* ((row (vector-ref matrix i))
             (scaled-row (vector-scale row factor)))
        (vector-set! matrix i scaled-row)))
    (define (eliminate-rows! matrix i j pivot)
      (define (eliminate-row! matrix i j pivot)
        (when (< i (vector-length matrix))
          (let* ((element-i-j (extract matrix i j))
                 (factor (/ element-i-j pivot)))
            (scale-row! matrix i factor)
            (eliminate-row! matrix (add1 i) j pivot))))
      (eliminate-row! matrix (add1 i) j pivot))
    (define (gaussian-rank matrix (i 0) (j 0) (rank 0))
      (cond ((>= i (vector-length matrix)) rank)
            ((zero? (extract matrix i j)) (gaussian-rank matrix (add1 i) j rank))
              (swap-rows! matrix i rank)
              (let ((pivot (extract matrix rank j)))
                (when (not (zero? pivot))
                  (scale-row! matrix rank (/ 1 pivot))
                  (eliminate-rows! matrix rank j pivot))
                (gaussian-rank matrix (add1 i) (add1 j) (add1 rank))))))
    (define mat (vector #(1 2 3) #(0 1 2) #(0 0 1)))
    (gaussian-rank mat) ;;=> 1

    The "matrix" should be a vector. (Probably one should introduce a struct). extract returns the element in a matrix in the i-th row and j-th column. swap-rows! takes a matrix and rows the i-th and j-th row. scale-row! scales a row multiplying each of the i-th row element by a factor. eliminate-rows! uses these two functions to eliminat-through a matrix. And these operations are used to calculat the gaussian rank.

    More efficient solution

    Perhaps more efficient is this version:

    (define (get-row matrix i)
      (vector-ref matrix i))
    (define (get-element matrix i j)
      (vector-ref (vector-ref matrix i) j))
    (define (swap-rows! matrix i j)
      (let ((tmp (vector-ref matrix i)))
        (vector-set! matrix i (vector-ref matrix j))
        (vector-set! matrix j tmp)))
    (define-syntax while
      (syntax-rules () ((_ pred b1 ...) (let loop () (when pred b1 ... (loop))))))
    (define (gaussian-rank matrix)
      (let* ((nrows (vector-length matrix))
             (ncols (if (zero? nrows) 0 (vector-length (vector-ref matrix 0))))
             (rank 0))
        (for ([ncol (in-range ncols)])
          (let ([pivot-row rank])
            (while (and (< pivot-row nrows)
                         (zero? (get-element matrix pivot-row ncol)))
                (set! pivot-row (add1 pivot-row)))
            (unless (= pivot-row nrows)
              (swap-rows! matrix pivot-row rank)
              (let ([pivot-value (get-element matrix rank ncol)])
                (for ([nrow (in-range (add1 rank) nrows)])
                  (let* ([factor (/ (get-element matrix nrow ncol) pivot-value)]
                         [scaled-diffed-row (vector-map (lambda (x y) (- x (* factor y)))
                                          (get-row matrix nrow)
                                          (get-row matrix rank))])
                    (vector-set! matrix nrow scaled-diffed-row))))
              (set! rank (add1 rank)))))

    Here, the same processing is done but working preferably with loops and thus perhaps faster.

    Call it by:

    > (define mat (vector #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6) #(7 8 9)))
    > (gaussian-rank mat)
    > mat
    '#(#(1 2 3) #(0 -3 -6) #(0 0 0))

    the syntax-rule takes:

            (while (and (< pivot-row nrows)
                         (zero? (get-element matrix pivot-row ncol)))
                (set! pivot-row (add1 pivot-row)))

    and matches

    `_`:    while
    `pred`: (and (< pivot-row nrows)
                         (zero? (get-element matrix pivot-row ncol)))
    `b1`:   (set! pivot-row (add1 pivot-row))
    `...`:  in this case nothing

    and transforms this - while nothing is yet evaluated - to:

    (let loop ()
      (when (and (< pivot-row nrows)
                         (zero? (get-element matrix pivot-row ncol)))
        (set! pivot-row (add1 pivot-row))

    and then evalutes this generated code in-situ (in exactly the environment/place where the while expression was invoked). This code transformation is done in compile time. This is how a lisp macro works.