I am setting up a repository to store software documentation consisting of several documents which are written in Markdown, and I want to be able to embed PlantUML diagrams in them. The repository is hosted in Gitlab, which includes a PlantUML renderer but does not allow preprocessing and therefore using the !include
clause to reference diagrams in other files.
I would like to have a bash or python script that:
!include [FILEPATH]
clauses and replace the content which is between @startuml
and @enduml
from that file [FILEPATH] into "all-docs.md".For example:
"all-docs.md" contains in certain part:
Here is the Profile class diagram:
!include ./data-models/profile.puml
Profile o-- UidObject
And profile.puml content is:
class Profile <UidObject> {
+ string name
+ string email
+ string phone
+ Date birthDate
The result after the script will be to have in "all-docs.md":
Here is the Profile class diagram:
class Profile <UidObject> {
+ string name
+ string email
+ string phone
+ Date birthDate
Profile o-- UidObject
The repo has the following structure.
├── assets/
├── docs/
├── uml/
directory contains various assets such as images, icons, and other resources.docs/
directory contains the documents (markdown files)uml/
directory contains contains PlantUML source files that are used to generate diagrams for the software documentation.A bash
and find
solution with your given input/files, something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#: Find and concatenate all .md files from docs/ directory in all-docs.md file.
find docs/ -type f -name '*.md' -exec sh -c 'cat -- "$@" >> all-docs.md' sh {} +
#: Parse the all-docs.md file and
#: create/print the desired result/output.
while IFS= read -ru "$fd" line; do
if [[ $line == "!include"* ]]; then
temp=${line#!include *}
mapfile -t plum < "$temp" &&
unset -v 'plum[-1]' &&
printf '%s\n' "${plum[@]:1}"
printf '%s\n' "$line"
done {fd}< all-docs.md
done {fd}< all-docs.md > tempfile && mv tempfile all-docs.md
.Or just parse the output of find
directly without creating the all-docs.md
, something like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
##: Find all the files ending in .md in the docs/ directory
##: conCATenate all the contents of the files in question.
find docs/ -type f -name '*.md' -exec sh -c 'cat -- "$@"' sh {} + | {
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ $line != "!include"* ]] && { ##: If line does not have the pattern !include.
printf '%s\n' "$line" ##: Print the line as is.
[[ $line == "!include"* ]] && { ##: If line has the pattern !include parse it.
temp=${line#!include *} ##: Extract FILE_PATH in a variable named temp.
if [[ -s "$temp" ]]; then ##: If variable is an existing non-empty file.
mapfile -u3 -t plum 3< "$temp" && ##: Extract the desired result.
unset -v 'plum[-1]' &&
printf '%s\n' "${plum[@]:1}"
printf '%s\n' "$line" ##: Otherwise just print the line as is.
If creating the all-docs.md
is a must/requirement, then change the last line to:
} > all-docs.md
aka readarray
and {fd}
requires bash v4+