I write simple batch file to fast check network interface status:
@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%q in ('wmic path win32_networkadapter where "netconnectionid like '%%ovpn_wintun%%'" get netconnectionstatus /format:list ^| find ^/i ^"NetConnectionStatus^"') do (
echo q variable is: %%q
IF %%q LEQ 2 echo 1. q less or equal %%q
IF %%q EQU 2 echo 2. q equal %%q
IF %%q GEQ 2 echo 3. q greater or equal %%q
IF %%q LEQ 3 echo 4. q less or equal %%q
IF %%q EQU 3 echo 5. q equal %%q
IF %%q GEQ 3 echo 6. q greater or equal %%q
And receive unexpected results:
Compare variables as string have no result.
Can someone explain me, please, what is it and it is fixable in batch script?
The issue is caused by the fact that wmic
output is not only Unicode, but also has an output with line terminals like CRCRLF.
You could observe this by outputting %%q
to a file and examining the file with editplus
or a similar real text editor.
Here's a quick-fix (noting that I've modified the wmic
command to suit my system)
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%q in ('wmic path win32_networkadapter where "netconnectionid like '%%ethernet%%'" get netconnectionstatus /format:list ^| find ^/i ^"NetConnectionStatus^"') do (
echo q variable is: %%q
SET /a QQ=%%q
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
IF !qq! LEQ 2 echo 1. q less or equal %%q
IF !qq! EQU 2 echo 2. q equal %%q
IF !qq! GEQ 2 echo 3. q greater or equal %%q
IF !qq! LEQ 3 echo 4. q less or equal %%q
IF !qq! EQU 3 echo 5. q equal %%q
IF !qq! GEQ 3 echo 6. q greater or equal %%q