I have a wrapper that adds some methods to a bunch of dataclass
es, the dataclass
es are all meant to be frozen, and should check the data types of the initialization values during instantiation.
And I also wanted to overload the constructor of the dataclass
es, so that they can be instantiated like these Foo(fields)
, Foo(*fields)
, Foo(mapping)
and Foo(**mapping)
, but NOT Foo(*args, **kwargs)
. All the lengths of the arguments passed are equal, the first is a sequence containing the values of the fields in order, and the third is a mapping containing the key-value pairs of the fields, the constructor should accept either a list
, or a dict
, or an unpacked list
, or an unpacked dict
, but not a mixture of those. (i.e. not like Foo(a, [b, c])
or Foo(a, b, c, d=1)
Refer to this question for more context. As you see I have succeeded in doing so in my hand-rolled class, but it is unpythonic.
This is a minimal reproducible example:
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union
SENTINEL = object()
def wrapper(cls):
cls._name = [f.name for f in fields(cls)]
def from_sequence(cls, sequence):
for arg, field in zip(sequence, fields(cls)):
if not isinstance(arg, field.type):
raise TypeError(f"'{arg}' not of type '{field.type}'.")
return cls(*sequence)
cls.from_sequence = from_sequence
def from_dict(cls, mapping):
for field in fields(cls):
value = mapping.get(field.name, SENTINEL)
if value != SENTINEL and not isinstance(value, field.type):
raise TypeError(f"Field ''{field.name}' value '{value}' not of type '{field.type}'.")
return cls(**mapping)
cls.from_dict = from_dict
return cls
NoneType = type(None)
class Person:
Name: str
Age: Union[int, float]
Birthdate: datetime
It sort of works, but the constructor accepts *args or **kwargs but not packed arguments, nor does it do type checking:
In [2]: Person('Jane Smith', 23, datetime(2000, 1, 1))
Out[2]: Person(Name='Jane Smith', Age=23, Birthdate=datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0))
In [3]: Person(None, None, None)
Out[3]: Person(Name=None, Age=None, Birthdate=None)
In [4]: Person.from_sequence(['Jane Smith', 23, datetime(2000, 1, 1)])
Out[4]: Person(Name='Jane Smith', Age=23, Birthdate=datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0))
In [5]: Person.from_sequence([None]*3)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 1
----> 1 Person.from_sequence([None]*3)
Cell In[1], line 13, in wrapper.<locals>.from_sequence(cls, sequence)
11 for arg, field in zip(sequence, fields(cls)):
12 if not isinstance(arg, field.type):
---> 13 raise TypeError(f"'{arg}' not of type '{field.type}'.")
15 return cls(*sequence)
TypeError: 'None' not of type '<class 'str'>'.
In [6]: Person([None]*3)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 1
----> 1 Person([None]*3)
TypeError: Person.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'Age' and 'Birthdate'
I tried to overload __new__
to use the corresponding class methods during instantiation:
class Person:
Name: str
Age: Union[int, float]
Birthdate: datetime
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
assert not kwargs
data = args if len(args) != 1 else args[0]
return cls.from_dict(data) if isinstance(data, dict) else cls.from_sequence(data)
assert kwargs
return cls.from_dict(kwargs)
But it doesn't work, it just crashes my interpreter without any exception being raised, I figured this is because circular reference, __new__
calls classmethod
, and classmethod
calls __new__
recursively, this goes on forever, so it crashed the interpreter. I tried to overload __init__
and the same thing happens.
How do I properly override instantiation of a frozen dataclass
so that the proper classmethod
is called to validate the datatypes and handle the arguments?
I finally made it working, though I don't know if it is Pythonic.
In short I extracted the methods of setting the attributes out of class methods, and made it called by both __init__
and class methods, and I overrode the __repr__
function so that the object can be instantiated without being initialized first:
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, asdict, FrozenInstanceError
from collections.abc import Sequence, Mapping
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union
SENTINEL = object()
def wrapper(cls):
cls._name = [f.name for f in fields(cls)]
cls._initialized = False
def _populate_from_sequence(self, sequence):
if self._initialized:
raise FrozenInstanceError('Object has already been populated')
if isinstance(sequence, str) or not isinstance(sequence, Sequence):
raise TypeError(f'argument sequence of type {type(sequence)!r} is not a Sequence')
for arg, field in zip(sequence, fields(cls)):
if not isinstance(arg, field.type):
raise TypeError(f"Field '{field.name}' value {arg!r} not of type {field.type!r}.")
object.__setattr__(self, field.name, arg)
object.__setattr__(self, '_initialized', True)
cls._populate_from_sequence = _populate_from_sequence
def from_sequence(cls, sequence):
instance = object.__new__(cls)
return instance
cls.from_sequence = from_sequence
def _populate_from_mapping(self, mapping):
if not isinstance(mapping, Mapping):
raise TypeError(f'argument mapping of type {type(mapping)!r} is not a Mapping')
self._populate_from_sequence((mapping.get(field.name) for field in fields(cls)))
cls._populate_from_mapping = _populate_from_mapping
def from_dict(cls, mapping):
instance = object.__new__(cls)
return instance
cls.from_dict = from_dict
def __repr__(self):
return (
+ ', '.join(repr(getattr(self, name)) for name in cls._name)
+ ')'
if self._initialized
else object.__repr__(self)
cls.__repr__ = __repr__
return cls
NoneType = type(None)
@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Person:
Name: str
Age: Union[int, float]
Birthdate: datetime
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
assert not kwargs
data = args if len(args) != 1 else args[0]
self._populate_from_mapping(data) if isinstance(data, dict) else self._populate_from_sequence(data)
assert kwargs