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Finding how to use "rank" or other similar grouping functions with conditionals in R

I am trying in R to perform a ranking or grouping with the following characteristics:

  • The content of the field: "Object" of the following record is equal to the content of the field: "Object"
  • The date of the next record is sequential (corresponds to the next day)

Example data:

PRODUCT1 01/02/2023
PRODUCT1 02/02/2023
PRODUCT1 21/02/2023
PRODUCT2 07/02/2023
PRODUCT2 09/02/2023
PRODUCT2 10/02/2023
PRODUCT2 11/02/2023
PRODUCT2 23/02/2023

I am using the following code but the result is not correct:

ddply(df, .(object), transform, rank = (seq_along(date)))

The expected result is similar to the following table:

PRODUCT1 01/02/2023 1
PRODUCT1 02/02/2023 1
PRODUCT1 21/02/2023 2
PRODUCT2 07/02/2023 1
PRODUCT2 09/02/2023 2
PRODUCT2 10/02/2023 2
PRODUCT2 11/02/2023 2
PRODUCT2 23/02/2023 3

I appreciate your help in solving this question.


  • The ranking groups by "object" and orders by "date". The wanted value is then based on if the gap between the previous row and the current row is greater than 1 day, then the rank is incremented by 1.

    df <- data.frame(OBJECT = c("PRODUCT1", "PRODUCT1", "PRODUCT1", "PRODUCT2", "PRODUCT2", "PRODUCT2", "PRODUCT2", "PRODUCT2"),
                     DATE = as.Date(c("2023-02-01", "2023-02-02", "2023-02-21", "2023-02-07", "2023-02-09", "2023-02-10", "2023-02-11", "2023-02-23")))
    # add the wanted column
    df <- df %>%
      group_by(OBJECT) %>%
      arrange(DATE) %>%
      mutate(wanted = cumsum(c(1, diff(DATE) > 1)))
    |  OBJECT  |    DATE    | wanted |
    | PRODUCT1 | 2023-02-01 |      1 |
    | PRODUCT1 | 2023-02-02 |      1 |
    | PRODUCT1 | 2023-02-21 |      2 |
    | PRODUCT2 | 2023-02-07 |      1 |
    | PRODUCT2 | 2023-02-09 |      2 |
    | PRODUCT2 | 2023-02-10 |      2 |
    | PRODUCT2 | 2023-02-11 |      2 |
    | PRODUCT2 | 2023-02-23 |      3 |