How to add quantity
field in my product
lookup array?
My order model:
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "user",
orderItems: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "products",
quantity: {type :Number, required:true}
below here: mongo aggregation I only get user
details and products
details of array. But I want quantity
in products
details array
{ $lookup: { from: 'users',
localField: 'user',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'user'
{ $unwind: '$orderItems' },
$project: {
quantity: 0
{$lookup : {from : 'products', localField: 'orderItems.product', foreignField: '_id', as : 'product'}},
{ $unwind: '$product' },
{$group : { _id: '$_id', user:{'$first':'$user'},products: {$push: '$product'}}}
Upper mongo aggregation I only get user
details and products
details of array. But I want quantity
in products
details array.
How can I get my result like this?
"_id": "645e126a3ea9894242f39714",
"user": [
"_id": "645ac718b6f8448ef0e530b2",
"firstName": "abcemail",
"lastName": "String",
"email": "",
"products": [
"productId": {
"_id": "63b16fc58fe585c7b81c748d",
"title": "asd",
"price": "123"
"quantity": 3,
"_id": "63b1b4de5a95bd4df7f9443c"
"productId": {
"_id": "63b16fc58fe585c7b81c748d",
"title": "asd",
"price": "123"
"quantity": 3,
"_id": "63b1b4de5a95bd4df7f9443c"
Here's one way you could do it. Comments are in the pipeline.
{ // get user details
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "user",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "user"
{ // get all product details
"$lookup": {
"from": "products",
"localField": "orderItems.product",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "products"
"$project": {
"user": 1,
"products": {
"$map": {
"input": "$products",
"as": "product",
"in": {
// format each object as desired
// redundant _id
"_id": "$$product._id",
// full product details
"productId": "$$product",
// get quantity for this product
"quantity": {
"$getField": {
"field": "quantity",
"input": {
"$first": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$orderItems",
"as": "item",
"cond": {"$eq": ["$$item.product", "$$product._id"]}
Try it on
Here's another way by "$map"
'ing the "orderItems"
array rather than the "products"
array. Perhaps it's a bit more simple/straightforward.
{ // get user details
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "user",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "user"
{ // get all product details
"$lookup": {
"from": "products",
"localField": "orderItems.product",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "products"
"$project": {
"user": 1,
"products": {
"$map": {
"input": "$orderItems",
"as": "item",
"in": {
"$mergeObjects": [
"productId": {
"$first": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$products",
"as": "product",
"cond": {"$eq": ["$$item.product", "$$product._id"]}
Try it on
Here's another way you could do it by first "$unwind"
"$unwind": "$orderItems"
"$lookup": {
"from": "products",
"localField": "orderItems.product",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "products"
"$set": {
"products": {
"$first": "$products"
"$project": {
"user": 1,
"products": {
"productsId": "$products",
"quantity": "$orderItems.quantity",
"_id": "$products._id"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"user": {"$first": "$user"},
"products": {"$push": "$products"}
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "user",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "user"
Try it on