I want to get notified like "Your session will expire in 1 mins". I'm using ASP.NET core + React apps.
I've checked ASP.NET core documentation and stackoverflow, but no answer for ASP.NET core, just for ASP.NET. Please help me.
There is no event of session expiring. You have to implement it manually.
function setupSessionTimeout(sessionExpirationTime) {
var timeoutDuration = sessionExpirationTime * 60 * 1000;
var timeoutId;
function resetTimeout() {
timeoutId = setTimeout(notify, timeoutDuration); // Set timeout to trigger checkSessionExpired() after timeout duration
// Reset timeout on user activity (mousemove or keydown event)
$(document).on('mousemove keydown', resetTimeout);
// Initial setup
resetTimeout(); // Set initial timeout
function notify() {
alert("Session expired");