I have a very large table, millions of rows, with many columns, amongst them, Service, Start, and End. Service is a name, Start and End indicate outage times.
The table looks something like:
Service | Start | End
LAN | 1/1 12:00 | 3/1 12:00
LAN | 2/1 14:00 | 3/1 14:00
WAN | 5/1 10:00 | 7/1 08:00
WAN | 6/1 08:00 | 7/1 10:00
The aim is to create an aggregate table listing Service, date and outage length, something like:
Service | Date | Outage length
LAN | 1/1 | 12 h
LAN | 2/1 | 24 h
LAN | 3/1 | 14 h
WAN | 5/1 | 14 h
WAN | 6/1 | 24 h
WAN | 7/1 | 10 h
My workflow is as follows:
Step 1. To calculate overlapping times I have used this Stack Overflow solution. It works fine. Based on my input table, the output looks like:
Service | Start | End
LAN | 1/1 12:00 | 3/1 14:00
WAN | 5/1 10:00 | 6/1 10:00
Step 2. I've added a Date column, and a calculated Outage column to get the final result.
It works, big thanks to @horseyride for the original solution, but is it very slow and takes forever to run. I realised that there are a lot of records but I'm willing to bet that there is a better workflow algorithm which could speed up the process dramatically.
You may be better off with the OVERLAP function in powerbi
If it helps, I think this works considerably (?) faster then the [Original Powerquery Answer][1] by (a) removing half of the initial date comparisons checks (b) grouping and only operating on one group at a time. Add or remove the Table.Buffers as needed, not sure they are helping here
function process
// compare each list against all lists in column Custom, and merge those that overlap
let Source= Table.Buffer(xtable),
#"Added Custom"= Table.AddColumn(
each List.Accumulate (
(state,current)=> if List.ContainsAny(state,current) then List.Distinct(List.Combine({current,state})) else state
// count the number of changes made from original version. If this is not zero, we will recurse the changes
x= List.Sum(List.Transform(List.Positions(#"Added Custom"[Custom]), each if #"Added Custom"[Custom]{_} = #"Added Custom"[Custom2]{_} then 0 else 1)),
RemovePrioCustom= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Added Custom",{"Custom"}),
AddNewCustom= Table.RenameColumns(RemovePrioCustom,{{"Custom2", "Custom"}}),
recursive = if x=0 then AddNewCustom else @process( AddNewCustom)
in recursive
let Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Start", type datetime}, {"End", type datetime}}),
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Changed Type" , {"Group"}, {{"data", each
let #"AddIndex" = Table.AddIndexColumn(_, "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
#"Round1" = Table.AddColumn(#"AddIndex", "Custom", (i)=>Table.SelectRows(#"AddIndex", each
([End]=null and (i[End]=null or [Start]<=i[End])) or //remove this row if you don't care about null dates to speed things up
([Start]>=i[Start] and [Start]<=i[End]) or
([Start]<=i[Start] and [End]>=i[Start])
#"Round2"= process(#"Round1"),
#"GetStart" = Table.AddColumn(#"Round2", "StartMin", each List.Min(List.Transform([Custom], each #"Round2"[Start]{_})),type datetime),
#"GetEnd"= Table.AddColumn(#"GetStart", "EndMax", each
let a=List.Transform([Custom], each #"GetStart"[End]{_})
in if List.Count(a)-List.NonNullCount(a) > 0 then null else List.Max(a)),
#"RemoveColumns" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"GetEnd",{"Start", "End", "Index", "Custom"}),
#"CleanUp" = Table.Distinct(#"RemoveColumns", {"Group", "StartMin", "EndMax"})
in #"CleanUp", type table }}),
#"Expanded data" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "data", {"Event ID", "StartMin", "EndMax"}, {"Event ID", "StartMin", "EndMax"})
in #"Expanded data"