I have thresholds for each of the groups of my data, and when plotting a violin plot I would like these to be shown within the plots.
Instead, the lines are not constrained to the corresponding groups and the lines are only shown either full width (ggplot), or a small section of the whole plot (ggplotly).
I think that stat_sina
from the ggforce
package is the way forward, however I am having no luck.
My code is:
customLines <- data.frame(name = c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'),
value = c(2, 1, 5, 3))
iris %>%
pivot_longer(-Species) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = name,
y = value,
fill = name,
colour = name,
group = name)) +
geom_violin(alpha = 0.3) +
ggforce::geom_sina() +
ggforce::stat_sina(data = customLines,
aes(x = name,
yintercept = value),
geom = "hline")
Which outputs
As is clear to see, this doesn't correspond with the violin plots.
How can I have the lines only go the full width of the violin plots, and within the violins? It might be similar to the quantile approach, but I have no clue how to use this in this format either.
My solution uses ggplot_build
to identify the correct width of the violin plot, then use that information in geom_segment
. ggplotly
also works with my solution (figure not shown).
customLines <- data.frame(name = c('Petal.Length', 'Petal.Width', 'Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width'),
value = c(2, 1, 5, 3))
customLines <- customLines %>%
mutate(fac = as.integer(factor(name, levels = name)))
p1 <- iris %>%
pivot_longer(-Species) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = name,
y = value,
fill = name,
colour = name,
group = name)) +
geom_violin(alpha = 0.3)
violin_width <- ggplot_build(p1)$data[[1]] %>%
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(width = max(violinwidth)) %>%
left_join(customLines, by = c("x" = "fac"))
p1 +
geom_segment(data = violin_width,
aes(x = x - width/2, y = value, xend = x + width/2, yend = value))
Created on 2023-05-12 with reprex v2.0.2