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Filling missing dates in pandas groupby with aggregate functions

I have a dataframe where each id may have gaps. I'd like to fill in missing dates (with NaN values) within each group before using aggregate functions as they don't seem to go by date, but I'm getting the error below.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2014-08-01',
                   'value': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], 

                   'id': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a',  'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'b']})

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])

df.sort_values('date', ascending=True).groupby('id').set_index('date').resample('1D').rolling(2).mean()

AttributeError: 'DataFrameGroupBy' object has no attribute 'set_index'


  • IIUC use Series.asfreq for add consecutive datetimes:

    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    df1 = (df.sort_values('date', ascending=True)
            .apply(lambda x: x.asfreq('d').rolling(2).mean())

    print (df1)
    id date             
    a  2014-08-01    NaN
       2014-08-02    1.5
       2014-08-03    2.5
       2014-08-04    3.5
       2014-08-05    NaN
       2014-08-06    NaN
       2014-08-07    NaN
       2014-08-08    NaN
       2014-08-09    NaN
       2014-08-10    NaN
       2014-08-11    NaN
       2014-08-12    NaN
       2014-08-13    NaN
       2014-08-14    NaN
       2014-08-15    NaN
    b  2014-08-12    NaN
       2014-08-13    NaN
       2014-08-14    NaN
       2014-08-15    NaN
       2014-08-16    NaN
       2014-08-17    NaN
       2014-08-18    NaN
       2014-08-19    NaN
       2014-08-20    NaN
       2014-08-21    9.5
       2014-08-22   10.5
       2014-08-23    NaN
       2014-08-24    NaN
       2014-08-25    NaN
       2014-08-26    NaN
       2014-08-27    NaN
       2014-08-28    NaN
       2014-08-29    NaN
       2014-08-30    NaN

    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    df2 = (df.sort_values('date', ascending=True)
            .apply(lambda x: x.asfreq('d').rolling(2, min_periods=1).mean()))

    print (df2)
    id  date      
    a   2014-08-01     1.0
        2014-08-02     1.5
        2014-08-03     2.5
        2014-08-04     3.5
        2014-08-05     4.0
        2014-08-06     NaN
        2014-08-07     NaN
        2014-08-08     NaN
        2014-08-09     NaN
        2014-08-10     5.0
        2014-08-11     5.0
        2014-08-12     NaN
        2014-08-13     NaN
        2014-08-14     NaN
        2014-08-15     6.0
    b   2014-08-12     7.0
        2014-08-13     7.0
        2014-08-14     NaN
        2014-08-15     8.0
        2014-08-16     8.0
        2014-08-17     NaN
        2014-08-18     NaN
        2014-08-19     NaN
        2014-08-20     9.0
        2014-08-21     9.5
        2014-08-22    10.5
        2014-08-23    11.0
        2014-08-24     NaN
        2014-08-25     NaN
        2014-08-26     NaN
        2014-08-27     NaN
        2014-08-28     NaN
        2014-08-29     NaN
        2014-08-30    12.0
    Name: value, dtype: float64

    If need forward filling missing values:

    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
    s = (df.sort_values('date', ascending=True)
            .apply(lambda x: x.asfreq('d', method='ffill')))

    print (s)
    id  date      
    a   2014-08-01     1
        2014-08-02     2
        2014-08-03     3
        2014-08-04     4
        2014-08-05     4
        2014-08-06     4
        2014-08-07     4
        2014-08-08     4
        2014-08-09     4
        2014-08-10     5
        2014-08-11     5
        2014-08-12     5
        2014-08-13     5
        2014-08-14     5
        2014-08-15     6
    b   2014-08-12     7
        2014-08-13     7
        2014-08-14     7
        2014-08-15     8
        2014-08-16     8
        2014-08-17     8
        2014-08-18     8
        2014-08-19     8
        2014-08-20     9
        2014-08-21    10
        2014-08-22    11
        2014-08-23    11
        2014-08-24    11
        2014-08-25    11
        2014-08-26    11
        2014-08-27    11
        2014-08-28    11
        2014-08-29    11
        2014-08-30    12
    Name: value, dtype: int64