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Printing a thermal ticket using PrintDocument with a Bluetooth-connected printer using .NET in Windows10

I would like to know how to print a thermal ticket using PrintDocument with a Bluetooth-connected printer using .NET in a Windows 10.

If I connect the printer via USB, there is no problem. Here is a simple code version I am currently using:

public void PrintTicketUSB(string printerName)
    var printDocument = new PrintDocument();            
    printDocument.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printerName;
    printDocument.PrintPage += (sender, e) => PrintTicketPage(e.Graphics);

private void PrintTicketPage(Graphics graphics)
    float yPos = 0;
    int padding = 5;
    Font fontTitol = new Font("Arial", 40, FontStyle.Bold);
    Font font = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular);            
    float yPos = padding;

    graphics.DrawString("Title", fontTitol, Brushes.Black, padding, yPos);
    yPos += fontTitol.GetHeight();
    graphics.DrawString("Hello world", font, Brushes.Black, padding, yPos);
    yPos += font.GetHeight();

When I connect the printer via Bluetooth (Windows 10), I assign it to COM3 and use this code, which works:

public void PrintTicketBT()
    var serialPort = new SerialPort("COM3");

    serialPort.Write("Hello world\n");

Is there a way to use PrintDocument with Bluetooth? Are there any references I can consult?

Thank you.


  • After some testing, I managed to solve my problem and configure the Bluetooth printer as a local printer. These are the steps:

    *Please note that my Windows 10 is in Spanish, so the names may be different on your system. Sorry, I still don't have enough reputation to include inline pictures :(

    1. Pair the printer in the Bluetooth section.
    2. Click on "More Bluetooth options".


    1. Open the "COM Ports" tab.
    2. Press the "Add" button.
    3. Select the printer from the list or click "Explore".
    4. Click "OK".


    Remember the COM port assigned. In my case, it is "COM3".


    Now, go to the printers and select your printer (previously installed).

    1. Click on "Manage Printer" or a similar option.


    Finally, assign the COM port to your printer:

    1. Open the printer properties.
    2. Open the "Ports" tab.
    3. Select the COM port that we saw before in the Bluetooth settings.
    4. Click "OK".


    This configuration worked for me! I hope it helps somebody else!