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Is there a way to upload files to Azure Storage account through URL?

I have an API that allows users to upload and download files to my Azure Storage containers. With downloading files I have a simple function in my HTML script that uses user input information (SAS tokens, etc.) to create a URL where the user can download their file.

With file uploads, however, I have a whole separate Azure Function creating Blob Clients and Container Clients to upload data to Azure Storage containers. I was wondering if there was a simpler way to upload files to Azure Storage containers using a URL, with minimal code similar to how Azure Storage container file downloads work.


  • If I understand correctly, you are asking whether it is possible to create a container and / or upload a blob using http calls instead of the SDK. If that is the case you can leverage the REST Api.

    For the examples below, I used a SAS token to authenticate,

    To create a container you can use a PUT like this:


    To upload a blob to the container you can use a PUT as well

    x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob  

    (Note: I used an .http file in visual studio to create the examples, see this blog post. So the code above can be put in a file with .http extension to test it)