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MAUI: Change telerik button text based on property value

I am quite new to MAUI, in the learning phase of it

I have a telerik button in a popup, like this

<telerik:RadButton Text="Add" CommandParameter="{Binding Source={x:Reference Name=AddNewNote}}" Command="{Binding OkCommand}"></telerik:RadButton>

And I have a property Name in my view model

What I want is that while opening the popup if the Name is empty then the button text should say Add else Update

Could somebody help me how to achieve this?


  • if the Name is empty then the button text should say Add else Update

    You can achieve it by the following code:


    <Entry Text="{Binding Name,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
    <Button Text="{Binding BtnText}" Command="{Binding OkCommand}"/>


    public MainPage()
        BindingContext = new VM();


    public class VM : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private string name;
        private string btnText;
        public string Name
            get => name;
                if (name != value)
                    name = value;
        public string BtnText
            get => btnText;
                if (btnText != value)
                    btnText = value;
        public Command OkCommand { get; }
        public VM()
            OkCommand = new Command(OnOk, IsNull);
            PropertyChanged += (_, __) => OkCommand.ChangeCanExecute();
        private bool IsNull()
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name))
                BtnText = "Update";
                return true;
            BtnText = "Add";
            return true;
        private void OnOk()
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        public void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string name = "") =>
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

    Here is the effect, and the button text can change dynamically(Add/Update) based on whether Name is empty or not.