I have multiple onnx
models, and I want to load them dynamically using webpack file-loader
module: {
rules: [
/* File Loader*/
test: /\.(glb|onnx)$/i,
loader: 'file-loader',
{outputPath: 'assets/resource/'}
But My .onnx
files (located in the src/assets/models/*.onnx
) are not copied dynamically to the dest
can you please tell me how can I load the onnx
models using the file-loader correctly? thanks in advance.
I solved it by copying the whole directory using the copy-webpack-plugin:
const path = require('path');
const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");
plugins: [
/* Copy Plugin */
new CopyPlugin({
patterns: [
from: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets/models'),
to: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/models/')