I have a Powershell script that powers Docker. With the new core version of Powershell (7.3) there is a breaking change:
Im fairly certain this is related to whats happening, but in the context of docker I cant figure out how to use it?
Here is my script:
param (
[string]$target = "build"
Write-Host "Running npm run $target"
$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
docker run -it --memory="500m" --memory-swap="1g" --rm `
--mount type=bind,src="$path\src/MyProject/wwwroot/dist",dst=/work/wwwroot/dist `
--mount type=bind,src="$path\src/MyProject/fed/dist",dst=/work/fed/dist `
--mount type=bind,src="$path\src/MyProject/fed/.storybook",dst=/work/fed/.storybook `
--mount type=bind,src="$path\src/MyProject/fed/src",dst=/work/fed/src `
mytag npm run $target
No matter where I put the Stop Parsing token (--%) I get the error:
ParserError: C:\Projects\MyProject\rundocker.ps1:12
Line |
12 | --mount type=bind,src="$path\src/MyPRoject/wwwroot/dis …
| ~
| Missing expression after unary operator '--'.
TLDR Add the following near the top of your PS script:
$PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing = 'legacy'
The way going forward would be to refactor to use Start-Process
Start-Process -FilePath "docker" -ArgumentList "run","-it","--memory=500m","--rm","--mount type=bind,src=$path,dst=/work/wwwroot/dist","busybox"
> ./test.ps1
Running npm run build
PS /home/user/source/so58> Unable to find image 'busybox:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/busybox
a58ecd4f0c86: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:62d10dc54dc47079c6e1e21f1642dc5a3633f1b1658940c5b8554a599b006e53
Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest