I am rather new to Bigquery. I need to find ways to do the below in as little queries as possible. Ideally one (so it could be one Scheduled query than multiple ones).
The goal is to track errors and error rate for operations and analytics.
Let say I have a table called products, it contains columns: product, maker, color, material I want to:
It is important to save metal_red results into the table, as this error list will be need to be tracked and investigated. It is also important to write the ratio (red_metal_ratio) results, as this is a trackable KPI.
If possible, I would like to avoid having to repeat "where" statements (meaning that avoid having CTEs with overlapping where clauses ). Not sure if/how that is possible at all.
Appreciate your help :) Managed to achieve that with multiple CTEs, but also had to repeat Where clause, which is not ideal in terms of typing :)
best, Dovile
You cannot create multiple tables in one statement, but if these are all trackable APIs why are you doing table creates in the first place? Shouldn't you be doing inserts into tables you already created?
In any case, you can "chain" the creates such as:
create table metals_all as select * from products where material = 'metal';
create table metals_red as select * from metals_all where color = 'red';
create table red_metals_ratio as
(select count(*) count_metals_all from metals_all) as ma,
(select count(*) count_metals_red from metals_red) as mr
mr.count_metals_red / ma.count_metals_all as red_metals_ratio
ma join mr on 1 = 1