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git status, how to ignore some folders

My project structure is like this:

├── myProject
│   ├── myapp
│   ├── myenv
│   └── db.sqlite3

Each time I run:

git status

I received many status changes of myenv which are not important to me, but the myenv changes are too many, it is very annoying.

I tried to ignore it by creating a .gitignore file:

├── myProject
│   ├── myapp
│   ├── myenv
    ├── db.sqlite3
    └── .gitignore

Inside it:


But it does not work, after running git status, still lots of status changes of myenv came out.

How can I solve this?


  • This usually means a file in that folder has already been added. The quickest way I find to solve this is to run: git rm --cache -r dir_to_ignore/myenv/

    Keeping the dir_to_ignore/myenv/ in your .gitignore. The --cache option simply removes the folder from your git index but not from your filesystem. While still being in the .gitignore file means git won't try to add it again.