I have a digital Meter. This digital Meter puts it's metering Data into a (Postgres) Database. The relevant Data looks like this:
timestamp, total_m3
Every few seconds to minutes, I get the Data logged into the Database. So every 15 Minutes I have 0 to 100 entries in the Database.
The total_m3 Value is the incrementing meter value.
I'm looking for a select query to get: Every 15 Minutes how much the meter was measuring.
For example:
2023-05-11 20:59:49.000000, 296.650
2023-05-11 20:50:49.000000, 296.650
2023-05-11 20:45:49.000000, 296.250
2023-05-11 20:37:49.000000, 296.150
2023-05-11 20:30:49.000000, 296.000
The Result should look like:
2023-05-11 21:00:00.000000, 0.4
2023-05-11 20:45:00.000000, 0.25
Would it be possible to do that in SQL? Or should I just say F* it, I code the logic into the App.
You can parse the date as intervall of 15 Minutes and use that to group by
date_trunc('minute', "dt") + interval '15 minute'
- (CAST(EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM "dt") AS integer) % 15) * interval '1 minute' AS trunc_15_minute
,MAX("value") - MIN("value") dff
FROM tabl1
GROUP BY trunc_15_minute
ORDER BY trunc_15_minute;
trunc_15_minute | dff |
2023-05-11 20:45:00 | 0.150 |
2023-05-11 21:00:00 | 0.400 |