when I look for the api event, the time would be ex: 12:00 the v-calendar abbreviates to just 12, if I look for the time that password the minutes it brings complete, since it seems to be a vuetify v-calendar behavior, someone already solved?
Problema com abreviação do vuetify v-calendar
You can use the slot #event inside VCalendar component. Like this:
<template #event={ parsedEvent, event }>
{{ parsedEvent.start.time }} - {{ event.name }}
Using like this, you can create custom views for your events. Remember that you use the #event slot, the event-name will be ignorated by the VCalendar component, so you will need to destruct { event } to access this property.
I suggest you to read more about the slots from the vuetify documentation. https://v2.vuetifyjs.com/en/api/v-calendar/