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DROP FUNCTION without knowing the number/type of parameters?

I keep all my functions in a text file with 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION somefunction'.
So if I add or change some function I just feed the file to psql.

Now if I add or remove parameters to an existing function, it creates an overload with the same name and to delete the original I need type in all the parameter types in the exact order which is kind of tedious.

Is there some kind of wildcard I can use to DROP all functions with a given name so I can just add DROP FUNCTION lines to the top of my file?


  • You would need to write a function that took the function name, and looked up each overload with its parameter types from information_schema, then built and executed a DROP for each one.

    EDIT: This turned out to be a lot harder than I thought. It looks like information_schema doesn't keep the necessary parameter information in its routines catalog. So you need to use PostgreSQL's supplementary tables pg_proc and pg_type:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION udf_dropfunction(functionname text)
      RETURNS text AS
        funcrow RECORD;
        numfunctions smallint := 0;
        numparameters int;
        i int;
        paramtext text;
    FOR funcrow IN SELECT proargtypes FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = functionname LOOP
        --for some reason array_upper is off by one for the oidvector type, hence the +1
        numparameters = array_upper(funcrow.proargtypes, 1) + 1;
        i = 0;
        paramtext = '';
            IF i < numparameters THEN
                IF i > 0 THEN
                    paramtext = paramtext || ', ';
                END IF;
                paramtext = paramtext || (SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE oid = funcrow.proargtypes[i]);
                i = i + 1;
            END IF;
        END LOOP;
        EXECUTE 'DROP FUNCTION ' || functionname || '(' || paramtext || ');';
        numfunctions = numfunctions + 1;
    RETURN 'Dropped ' || numfunctions || ' functions';
      COST 100;

    I successfully tested this on an overloaded function. It was thrown together pretty fast, but works fine as a utility function. I would recommend testing more before using it in practice, in case I overlooked something.