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How to remove extra added text 
 from xml in Springboot application

I am trying to convert JSON object into XML with method:


This is the code:

    XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
    String xml = "";

    xmlMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
    xmlMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY, true);

    try {
        xml = xmlMapper.writeValueAsString(inputJsonObject);
    }catch (Exception e){
        throw new Exception("Error!");

This is the JSON input (inputJsonObject)

     "Atribut": [
                "RnatrId": 71945793,
                "TxtValue": "AssetId: 545654, Aktiviran: 
                  DA\r\nCustomerName: John Wick\r\n
                  DSLAM Pozicija: Dawa_daslkads 342",
                "NumValue": 0,
                "DateValue": "",
                "MultiselectId": "",
                "MultiselectTxt": ""

This is what I get

        AssetId: 545654, Aktiviran: DA&#xd;
        CustomerName: John Wick&#xd;
        DSLAM Pozicija: Dawa_daslkads 342&#xd;

This is what I am trying to get:

            AssetId: 545654, Aktiviran: DA
            CustomerName: John Wick
            DSLAM Pozicija: Dawa_daslkads 342

With out this extra text &#xd for each new line.

Any help please?


  • I solved the problem buy adding .replace(" ", System.lineSeparator()) method.

    This is the code

    xml = xmlMapper.writeValueAsString(inputJsonObject).replace("&#xd;", System.lineSeparator()); 

    Thank you all for help.