In Groovy or Java, assume I have an interface (or abstract class) with some unimplemented methods. I would like to generate an instance of this interface/abstract class dynamically in runtime, and have some behaviour for those unimplemented methods (e.g. based on annotation on those methods)
i.e. something like
interface Foo {
Foo foo = someMagic(Foo.class, somethingToProvideLogicOfUnimplementedMethods);
Are there any library or technique that can achieve this?
In Groovy the following magic is called "Map to Interface coercion" and is available out of the box:
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
import java.lang.annotation.Retention
import java.lang.annotation.Target
@Retention( RUNTIME )
@Target( [ METHOD ] )
@interface Some {
String value() default ''
interface Foo {
@Some( 'AWESOME' )
void foo()
Foo magicFoo = [ foo:{->
String annotationValue = Foo.methods.first().annotations.first().value()
println "the $annotationValue MAGIC printed!"
} ] as Foo
assert Foo.isAssignableFrom( magicFoo.getClass() )
prints in the console:
the AWESOME MAGIC printed!