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How do I persist nested (MongoDB) entities with Panache Reactive and Mutiny?

I am having trouble using Mutiny. I have 2 entities:

public class Rating extends ReactivePanacheMongoEntity {    
    public String name;


public class Product extends ReactivePanacheMongoEntity {    
    public List<Rating> ratings = new ArrayList<>();

Now I would like to create a rating, persist it and add it to the list of ratings of a product.

public Uni<Product> addRatingToProduct(String productId, String name) {

    Rating rating = new Rating(); name;
    Uni<Rating> ratingUni = rating.persistOrUpdate();

    // Now I need to add the rating to the product:
    Uni<Product> productUni = Product.findEntity(productId);


I tried something along the lines of

return -> {
    Uni<Product> productUni = Product.findEntity(productId).map(p -> {
        return p;
    return productUni;

but these nested maps feel wrong, and the return Type ended up being a nested Uni.

I also tried Uni.combine(), but to no avail...

I thought that switching to a Reactive Programming with mutiny would be easier, but examples are scarce and the quarkus panache docs are rather superficial 😶


  • I ended up removing the "Relational DB Style" entity-in-another-entity and added a reference to ProductId in Rating (as suggested here)

    public class Rating extends ReactivePanacheMongoEntity {    
        public ObjectId productId;
        public String name;

    thus I only need to persist this new entity.