I want to check with Selenium test if the error message appears under my q-input or not, for this I would need it to have an id, so I can find the Webelement:
<q-input v-model="emailInput"
:rules="[(val) => validateEmail(val) || 'Valós email címet adj meg.']"
for="username" label="Email" square type="email">
All I want is to add an id somehow to this div that has role="alert" to be able to get it text and assert.
Is there a way to do this?
You could add a slot for error messages to the q-input and add id to your own custom alert element
<div id="q-app" style="min-height: 100vh">
<div class="q-pa-md" style="max-width: 300px">
label="Type here"
hint="Max 3 characters"
<template #error>
<div id="error-alert">custom error message</div>
Alternatively, you could select the q-input by id and then xpath to the child alert element.