I have a query with multiple inner joins and a maxResults on my query. The issue is that when I set the maxResults I also counts the results from the inner join.
For example I have prediction_summary 200 records each has 4 prediction records. I wil get only 25 prediction_summary records back. I was expecting 200 records.
Doctrine code this is part of a repository.
Can someone help?
public function findByForIndex(
?int $client = null,
?int $article = null,
?int $year = null,
int $page = 0,
int $type = 0,
): mixed {
$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('ps');
->where('ps.type = 0')
->addOrderBy('ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ps.client, ps.article ORDER BY ps.orderYear)')
->setFirstResult($page > 1 ? $page * self::PAGE_LIMIT : 0);
if (!is_null($client)) {
$queryBuilder->andWhere('pc.client = :clientID')->setParameter('clientID', $client);
if (!is_null($article)) {
$queryBuilder->andWhere('pc.article = :articleID')->setParameter('articleID', $article);
if (1 === $type) {
$queryBuilder->andWhere('pc.recurring > 0');
} elseif (2 === $type) {
$queryBuilder->andWhere('pc.incidental > 0');
return $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
The query
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0,
p0_.order_confirmed AS order_confirmed_1,
p0_.recurring AS recurring_2,
p0_.incidental AS incidental_3,
p0_.order_year AS order_year_4,
p0_.type AS type_5,
p0_.created_at AS created_at_6,
p0_.updated_at AS updated_at_7,
p1_.id AS id_8,
p1_.order_year AS order_year_9,
p1_.order_quater AS order_quater_10,
p1_.prediction AS prediction_11,
p1_.is_agreed AS is_agreed_12,
p1_.description AS description_13,
p1_.override_prediction AS override_prediction_14,
p1_.type AS type_15,
p1_.created_at AS created_at_16,
p1_.updated_at AS updated_at_17,
p0_.article_id AS article_id_18,
p0_.client_id AS client_id_19,
p1_.client_id AS client_id_20,
p1_.article_id AS article_id_21
FROM predictions_summary p0_
INNER JOIN prediction_summary_join p2_ ON p0_.id = p2_.summary_id
INNER JOIN prediction p1_ ON p1_.id = p2_.prediction_id
WHERE p0_.type = 0
ORDER BY p0_.client_id ASC, p0_.article_id ASC, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY p0_.order_year ASC) ASC, p0_.order_year ASC
I tried running the query manually that then I got the expected result 200 prediction_summary with 4 predictions.
found a solution for this issue, i had to add distinct
->join('ps.predictions', 'p')
->join('p.orders', 'po')
->where('ps.type = 0')
->addOrderBy('ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ps.client, ps.article ORDER BY ps.orderYear)')
->setFirstResult($page > 1 ? $page * self::PAGE_LIMIT : 0)