I want to make my matInput smaller than the default size. The html looks like this:
<mat-form-field class="input-parent" subscriptSizing="dynamic" appearance="outline" style=" margin-right: 10px; font-size: 12px;">
<input matInput type="text" [(ngModel)]="input" (keydown)="checkForSubmit($event)">
In the scss, I followed this answer, and added the following scss:
@include mat.input-density(-2);
But, it doesn't affect the size of the input at all. I also tried stuff like
instead of mat.input-density
moving it out of the class to the main scss file
putting it inside body instead of .input-parent
setting the parent class to the parent of the mat-form-field
instead of the direct parent of the mat-input
but nothing works. I also want to add that changing the density of a button worked, but not the density of an input.
Does anyone have a solution? Thanks
As far as I can see, so far this feature is very poorly documented. Here is what I have tested: class definition must be in global style file:
.input-parent {
@include mat.form-field-density(-5);
if you want to set class on component level you gonna have to user ::ng-deep
::ng-deep .input-parent {
@include mat.form-field-density(-5);
Density ranges not returning error (-5 - 0).