I have numpy array-2D (pandas DatarFame can be also used) full of numbers and I need to create / replace those numbers with mean for last n rows in one column. I have huge numpy array.shape like [10000:10000]
[[10, 30, 8, 1],
[11, 5, 19, 12],
[12, 18, 15, 6],
[13, 10, 21, 9],
[14, 67, 14, 2],
[15, 13, 12, 6]]
So the code should take last 3 numbers in iteration and crate average
[[12.5, 23.5, 14.83333333, 5.833333333],
[12, 10.33333333, 18.33333333, 9],
[13, 31.66666667, 16.66666667, 5.666666667],
[14, 30, 15.66666667, 5.333333333]]
Result should be that function takes n-last values in column dimension and make average of it.
I was able to do it through 2 for loops and standard python code, but it takes a lot of time.
You don't need to loop over your data. With Pandas, you can do a rolling_mean
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([[10, 30, 8, 1],
[11, 5, 19, 12],
[12, 18, 15, 6],
[13, 10, 21, 9],
[14, 67, 14, 2],
[15, 13, 12, 6]])
n = 3
df = pd.DataFrame(arr)
out = df.rolling(n).mean().iloc[n-1:]
# Output
0 1 2 3
2 11.0 17.666667 14.000000 6.333333
3 12.0 11.000000 18.333333 9.000000
4 13.0 31.666667 16.666667 5.666667
5 14.0 30.000000 15.666667 5.666667
With numpy only, you can do:
# Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/q/14313510/15239951
out = np.cumsum(arr, axis=0)
out[n:] -= out[:-n]
out = out[n-1:] / n
# Output
array([[11. , 17.66666667, 14. , 6.33333333],
[12. , 11. , 18.33333333, 9. ],
[13. , 31.66666667, 16.66666667, 5.66666667],
[14. , 30. , 15.66666667, 5.66666667]])