$latest = 'filename.sql'
kubectl exec -n testnamspace pod/test-- sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=ss pg_restore --clean -h postgresql -p 5432 -U test_user -d dbName -F c /tmp/$latest'
This is the error I am getting while reading dbName file:
pg_restore: error: could not open input file "$/tmp/": No such file or directory
When I try to echo $latest, it is working but not with pg_restore command. Any help in this regard would be appreciated
try using double quotes
kubectl exec -n testnamspace pod/test -- sh -c "PGPASSWORD=ss pg_restore --clean -h postgresql -p 5432 -U test_user -d dbName -F c /tmp/$latest"
command="PGPASSWORD=ss pg_restore --clean -h postgresql -p 5432 -U test_user -d dbName -F c /tmp/$latest"
kubectl exec -n testnamspace pod/test -- sh -c "$command"