I have a custom plugin built for Shopware 6. I created a new route /certificate
with a certificate.html.twig
view to show a list of the custom entity along with other html contents.
I want to be able to edit the HTML contents of this page (not the list) from the administration area, so I went to 'Content' > 'Shopping Experience' and created a custom layout.
I inserted my HTML tags as text type (in the source code interface).
The problem: I want to link this created layout with the custom twig template I created (or any other approach to make this HTML content editable from the administration).
How to load the layout in my controller at least?
In your controller you fetch the cms_page
entity with the id of your shopping experience layout. You then pass it to your template
$criteria = new Criteria([$cmsPageId]);
$cmsPage = $this->container->get('cms_page.repository')->search($criteria, $context)->first();
return $this->renderStorefront('@MyPlugin/storefront/page/certificate/certificate.html.twig', ['cmsPage' => $cmsPage]);
In your custom template you can then include the template for rendering the shopping experience.
{% set cmsPageClasses = ('cms-page ' ~ cmsPage.cssClass|striptags)|trim %}
<div class="{{ cmsPageClasses }}">
{% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/page/content/detail.html.twig" with {'cmsPage': cmsPage} %}