I'm using OpenLayer with react. I'm display a map as a baselayer and then I'm adding a GeoTiff on top of it. After that the user can also add a shape file (zip) as another layer and it is working properly the only problem is that after addding the shape file it tilts the whole map. Is there any way to avoid it? Here are some screen shot
here's my code
const [shape, setShape] = useState(null);
const [layer, setLayer] = useState(null);
const [showShape, setShowShape] = useState(false);
const [map, setMap] = useState(null);
async function loadShapefile(src) {
// Load the shapefile data
const content = await shp(src);
const geoJSON = new GeoJSON();
const features = geoJSON.readFeatures(content);
const projection = geoJSON.readProjection(content);
// Create a vector layer to display the features
const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features });
const vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({ source: vectorSource });
return [vectorLayer, vectorSource, projection];
const renderShp = async () => {
const [layer, vectorSource, projection] = await loadShapefile(shape);
const extent = vectorSource.getExtent();
// Transform the extent from the Shapefile projection to the map projection
const viewConfig = {
center: getCenter(extent),
zoom: 2
map.setView(new View(viewConfig));
map.getView().fit(extent, {
padding: [50, 50, 50, 50], // Adjust the padding as desired
useEffect(() => {
// Remove any existing vector layers from the map
if (!map) return;
map.getLayers().forEach((existingLayer) => {
if (existingLayer instanceof VectorLayer) {
if (shape) renderShp();
else {
// set view back to the geotiff
}, [shape]);
I'm getting shp function from this script https://unpkg.com/shpjs@latest/dist/shp.js
You should read the GeoJSON data into the current view projection
async function loadShapefile(src) {
// Load the shapefile data
const content = await shp(src);
const geoJSON = new GeoJSON({featureProjection: map.getView().getProjection()});
const features = geoJSON.readFeatures(content);
// Create a vector layer to display the features
const vectorSource = new VectorSource({ features });
const vectorLayer = new VectorLayer({ source: vectorSource });
return [vectorLayer, vectorSource];
const renderShp = async () => {
const [layer, vectorSource] = await loadShapefile(shape);
const extent = vectorSource.getExtent();
map.getView().fit(extent, {
padding: [50, 50, 50, 50], // Adjust the padding as desired