I have a dictionary in which the keys represent the categories and their values the item-lists for each category, like so:
d = {category_a: [item_a, item_b, item_c], category_b: [item_d, item_e]}
I want to iterate through the dictionary for the following result:
· item_a
· item_b
· item_c
· item_d
· item_e
The formatting with break-lines and such seem to work. My issue is that I only get to the following result:
· item_a
· item_b
· item_c
· item_d
· item_e
· item_a
· item_b
· item_c
· item_d
· item_e
I understand that my code (see below) iterates though all items for all keys, which probably causes the issue. Everything else have I tried leads to errors or one-letter-per-line outcome. I want to place the outcome in a PySimpleGUI Multiline. That's why I intend to place it in a string.
Here is my basic code-structure:
def display():
d = {category_a: [item_a, item_b, item_c], category_b: [item_d, item_e]}
output = ""
for k in d.keys():
output += k + "\n"
for key, val in d.items():
for v in val:
output += " · " + v + "\n"
return output
I tried, in the second for loop, to only access the values of the key used above (first loop) but can't get it working: Either I only get the item-list - not the items in it - or I produce an error.
Here is the corrected code:
def display():
d = {'category_a': ['item_a', 'item_b', 'item_c'], 'category_b': ['item_d', 'item_e']}
output = ""
for k in d.keys(): # for k in d: also works
output += k + "\n"
for v in d[k]:
output += " · " + v + "\n"
return output