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How to detect TextField cursor lies on which line in Android Jetpack compose

How to detect TextField cursor lies on which line in Android Jetpack compose.

enter image description here


  • You can get indexes of new line characters '\n' or others and then loop through each of them to get line count.


    enter image description here

    fun getLine(textFieldValue: TextFieldValue): Int {
        val text = textFieldValue.text
        val selection = textFieldValue.selection.start
        val lineList = mutableListOf< Int>()
        text.forEachIndexed { index: Int, c: Char ->
            if (c == '\n') {
        if (lineList.isEmpty()) return 1
        lineList.forEachIndexed { index, lineEndIndex ->
            if (selection <= lineEndIndex){
                return index + 1
        return  lineList.size + 1

    If you wish to get not only line but row too you can do it by using a map

    fun getLineAndRowOfSelection(textFieldValue: TextFieldValue): Pair<Int, Int> {
        val text = textFieldValue.text
        val selection = textFieldValue.selection.start
        val lineMap = linkedMapOf<Int, Int>()
        var lineCount = 1
        text.forEachIndexed { index: Int, c: Char ->
            if (c == '\n') {
                lineMap[index] = lineCount
        if (lineMap.isEmpty()) {
            return Pair(1, selection)
        } else if (lineMap.keys.last() < selection) {
            // Selection is in a row after last new line char
            val key = lineMap.keys.last()
            val lastLine = lineMap[key] ?: 0
            return Pair(lastLine + 1, selection - key - 1)
        } else {
            // Selection is before last new line char
            var previousLineIndex = -1
            lineMap.forEach { (lineEndIndex, line) ->
                if (selection <= lineEndIndex) {
                    // First line
                    return if (previousLineIndex == -1) {
                        Pair(line, selection)
                    } else {
                        Pair(line, selection - previousLineIndex - 1)
                previousLineIndex = lineEndIndex
        return Pair(-1, -1)


    private fun TextSelectionTest() {
            modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 30.dp)
        ) {
            var textFieldValue by remember {
            val lineAndRow = getLineAndRowOfSelection(textFieldValue)
            val line = getLine(textFieldValue)
                "Text ${textFieldValue.text}, " +
                        "selection: ${textFieldValue.selection}\n" +
                        "line and row: $lineAndRow\n" +
                        "line: $line"
            TextField(value = textFieldValue, onValueChange = { textFieldValue = it })