I have several different pinia stores that share a bunch of functions. For example
const storeOne = defineStore('a', () => {
const foo = () => alert('store a');
const bar = () => alert('bar');
const a = ref(null);
return {
const storeTwo = defineStore('b', () => {
const foo = () => alert('store b');
const foobar = () => alert('foobar');
const b = ref(null);
return {
both stores will have a function foo
in this case. The rest can basically be ignored in that scenario, it's just an example.
I have a function that needs to call foo()
and I would like to pass a store in that function but I don't know how I could type this properly. My current attempts for example were:
type StoreCollection = ReturnType<typeof storeTwo| typeof storeOne>
type PickedStoreCollection = Pick<StoreCollection, 'foo'>
const callStoreFunction = (store: PickedStoreCollection) => {
store.foo(); // works great -> this will know the correct store
callStoreFunction(storeOne); // TS error: types a incompatible
callStoreFunction(storeTwo); // TS error: types a incompatible
I made a basic example here https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/relaxed-scooby-ubncqg?file=%2Fsrc%2Fmain.ts%3A20%2C1 in the main.ts file
I know I could easily cast every call like this to
callStoreFunction(storeTwo as unknown as PickedStoreCollection);
But I would really like to avoid this.
You missed the store creation
resurns not a store: Store
, but a useStore: () => Store
// or renamed
const storeTwo = useStoreTwo();