I have been stuck on this issue for a long time. I'm a newer in Swift and I couldn't find a way to solve this problem.
I got the receipt data from my App, the code is,
if let appStoreReceiptURL = Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL, FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: appStoreReceiptURL.path) {
do {
let receiptData = try Foundation.Data(contentsOf: appStoreReceiptURL, options: .alwaysMapped)
// Read ReceiptData
print("receipt: \(receiptData.base64EncodedString(options: []))")
catch { print("Couldn't read receipt data with error: " + error.localizedDescription) }
which is copied from sample code from Apple Developer Document.
And this is one of the receipt data got from sandbox environment,
But when I use it to verify in sandbox environment, I always got 21002 error.
Then I found some receipt data from stackoverflow Apple receipt_data sample .
I use them to test my python code, it works. Here is the python code,
receipt = "xxxxxx"
url = 'https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt'
headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
data = json.dumps({"receipt-data": receipt})
res = requests.post(url=url,
So, it seems that it's the receipt data I got from Apple wrong.
I don't know why the receipt data is wrong. Is there anyway to find out the problem?
I'm using XCode (Version 14.1 beta 2 (14B5024i)) and a iphone SE to make a test. It purchased and verified according to StoreKit 2.
According to the issue I post on Apple Developer Forum, my problem lies in the environment. I used the product configuration file in run schema in XCode. So, the receipt data I got was signed by XCode instead of Apple Store. Below is the link of my issue, you can get more details from this issue.
I changed the configuration and run the App in sandbox environment. Now, it works on both ways. I hope this case could help you.