Search code examples core razor pages: get body of ajax call in controller function

Say i have this ajax to the server:

                type: 'POST',
                url: "/Jobs/Sprachen/?handler=RandomNumber",
                data: JSON.stringify({ Min: testvariable, Max: "no" }),
                contentType: "application/json",
                dataType: "json",
            }).done(function (data) {
            .fail(function (error) {
                //nothing for now

... and I have this function:

public IActionResult OnPostRandomNumber([FromBody]string input)
            // called from ajax (no page reload) 
            return new JsonResult("input: "+input);

Why is there always "null" on my input variable?

I wouldve expected a json.

The function it self fires fine and the result is returned and written to the console, but never with anything on the variable


  • Asp.Net Core achieve model binding via property's name. Here your parameter can't match to the data you send in ajax. You can create a model contains Max and Min property, then use this model as parameter.

    public class Input
            //I'm not sure what's the type of Max property, I use string to test.
            public string? Max { get; set; }
            public string Min { get; set; }

    Then in the backend

    public IActionResult OnPostRandomNumber([FromBody]Input model)
                // called from ajax (no page reload) 
                return new JsonResult(model);

    Now the parameter can receive data successfully

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