I am using Flutter SQFLite DB.
SQFLite Database does not allow Bool Types.
Hence, I need to save Bool values as Integer Zero and One.
Issue: I am getting the following runtime error:
Unhandled Exception: type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'int?' in type cast
The error shows the line from myFlag class -> isFlag: json[FlagFields.myFlag] as int?
Could you please point out the cause of the issue. Thank You
The Model Code:
(In FlagFields class, the field myFlag is String b/c I use it as Column Heading and the MyFlag class has the field isFlag which is int)
final String myFlagTable = 'myFlag';
class FlagFields {
static final List<String> values = [id, myFlag];
static final String id = '_id'; // SQL convention
static final String myFlag = 'isFlag';
class myFlag {
late final int? id;
late int? isFlag = 0;
myFlag({required this.id, required this.isFlag});
myFlag copy({int? id, int? isFlag}) => myFlag(id: id ?? this.id, isFlag: isFlag ?? this.isFlag);
Map<String, Object?> toJson() => {if (id != null) FlagFields.id: id, FlagFields.myFlag: isFlag};
static myFlag fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => myFlag(
id: json[FlagFields.id] as int?,
isFlag: json[FlagFields.myFlag] as int?);
It seems the error was caused by an incorrect of fromJson method in your myFlag class. When you call fromJson on a Map<String, Object?>, you are assuming that the value associated with the "isFlag" key is an int?.but, since you are storing the value as a String in the database, you need to convert it to an int? before you can use it.
here is the code could help you:
static myFlag fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => myFlag(
id: json[FlagFields.id] as int?,
isFlag: int.tryParse(json[FlagFields.myFlag] as String?) ?? 0);